This article gives an analysis of the latest SEBI's order on Insider
Trading especially it is a case concerning Promoters of a listed company and
persons connected with them who have allegedly engaged in insider trading. SEBI
has chosen the social media 'Facebook' to determine and to establish connection
between the parties who have committed Insider Trading.
1. Introduction
Securities Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) had originally framed SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 1992 in order to deter the practice of insider trading in
the securities of listed companies. Afterwards several amendments to the said
Regulations and also judicial paradigm through various case laws had also
evolved to prohibit insider trading. But major overhaul of the Regulations have
not been done. But SEBI on 15th January, 2015 had notified SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 [Regulations 2015] and has
been done in order to strengthen the legal and enforcement framework, toughen
the insider trading rules, align Indian regime with International practices and
to provide clarity to certain definitions and concepts.