In today's scenario,
where the demand for goods and services is increasing at a rapid pace, a large
number of industries as a part of their survival strategy are dependent on
outside support for completing their manufacturing activities. Such activities
are being undertaken by many small and medium scale industries to complete the
process on raw material/semi-finished goods as desired by principal
manufacturer and is known as "Job-Work". Job-work is otherwise also
understood as the processing or working on goods supplied by the principal
(i.e. the manufacturer) so as to complete a part or whole of the process. The
principal usually sends the raw material or semi-finished goods or components
which are processed by the job worker resulting in a further processed or
finished product. The manufacturer may also send finished product to a job
worker for assembling/packing. The term job-work has various synonyms in
various industries – "job-work" or "sub-contracting" in engineering
industry, "processing" in chemical or textile industry and "a
loan licensee" in pharmaceutical industry, "contract
manufacturing" in FMGC industry.
This being the
commercial aspects of the entire transaction, the Indirect tax aspects broadly
revolves around Central Excise Duty, Service tax and Value Added Tax/Central
Sales Tax. The taxable events for all three taxes are different i.e. for
Central Excise duty it is upon manufacture of goods, for Service tax it is
rendition of service and for Value Added Tax/Central Sales Tax it is sale of