MCA has proposed certain
amendments to Indian Accounting Standards (Ind ASs) and Accounting Standards
(ASs). These are as follows:-
Deferment ofInd AS 115 and introduction of new Ind AS 11 & 18
By accepting the proposal
of the National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards (NACAS), MCA has
proposed to defer the applicability of Ind AS 115,
‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’ to April 1, 2018. Further, two new standards
on revenue recognition (Ind AS 11 and Ind AS 18) have been proposed. Companies
to which Ind AS are applicable should follow Ind AS 11 & 18 for revenue
recognition until Ind AS 115 comes into force.
Apart from above, MCA has
also proposed amendments to:
Ind AS 1, ‘Presentation of Financial
Ind AS 19, ‘Employee Benefits’
Ind AS 28, ‘Investments in Associates and
Joint Ventures’
Ind AS 34, ‘Interim Financial Reporting’
Ind AS 101, ‘First-time Adoption of Indian
Accounting Standards’
Ind AS 105, ‘Non-current Assets Held for
Sale and Discontinued Operations’
Ind AS 107, ‘Financial Instruments:
Ind AS 110, ‘Consolidated Financial
Statements’ and
Ind AS 112, ‘Disclosure of Interests in
Other Entities’.
here for more details.