Query – We have
obtained contract from a company for running two canteens. We prepare food and
serve to employees of company. The company has one AC canteen which is under
Factories Act as company employs more than 250 employees. Company has another
non AC canteen in another unit, where employees are less than 250 and is not
under Factories Act.
The company is of the
view that service tax is not chargeable by us to them in both the cases.
However, department is taking a view that our services are 'outdoor catering
services' and we are liable to pay service tax on 60% of value.
Answer - Section 66E(i) of Finance Act, 1994 defines following as
'declared service' - Service portion in an activity wherein goods, being food
or any other article of human consumption or any drink (whether or not
intoxicating) is supplied in any manner as a part of the activity.