A Managing Director (MD) (Mr. A) of a company (B Ltd) has 21%
voting power in the company. Key Management Personnel (KMP) include MD of a
company as per the definition given in AS 18, 'Related Party Disclosures'. So,
Mr. A is a related party of B Ltd. As per an agreement between Mr. A and B
Ltd., he has the power to direct financial and operating policies of A Ltd. So,
he has control over B Ltd. as per the definition of 'Control' given in AS 18.
During the year there were no transactions between Mr. A and B Ltd. In the
financial statement B Ltd. has not made any disclosure in respect of Mr. A. The
management of B Ltd. is of view that disclosure is not required if there is no
transaction with related party (i.e., Mr. A).
Is contention of B Ltd. correct?
Para 21 of AS 18 requires that name of the related party and
nature of the related party relationship where control exists should be
disclosed irrespective of whether or not there have been transactions between
the related parties.
In this case Mr. A is a related party of B Ltd. having control
over it. So, with reference to Para 21 of AS 18 as mentioned above, B Ltd.
should disclose the name of Mr. A and nature of relationship with him in the
financial statement.
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