Monday, August 11, 2014

ITAT follows AS-10 to include one-time vehicle tax in cost of vehicle treating it as capital expenditure


The issue that arose in the instant appeal was:

Whether one time vehicle tax paid by the assessee was includible in cost of vehicles, (eligible to depreciation) or, was in nature of revenue expenditure, deductible under Section 37(1)?

The Tribunal held in favour of revenue as under:

1)Section 43(1) defines the term 'actual cost' as under: "Actual cost" means the actual cost of the assets to the assessee, reduced by that portion of the cost thereof, if any, as has been met directly or indirectly by any other person or authority.

2)The definition emphasizes on the elements, which would not form a part thereof, so that the principles of commercial accounting would apply in determining the actual cost. Even otherwise, it was a trite law that in the absence of a statutory definition or mandate, the accounting prescription would prevail.

3)It is only where the law specifically provides for a particular course of action, inconsistent with the accounting mandate, that the same shall prevail and override the latter, viz., section 43B.

4)Para 20 of ‘Accounting Standard-10 - Accounting for Fixed Assets’ required that the cost of a fixed asset would comprise of its purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use.

5)One-time tax for the lifetime of "all motor cars and omnibuses used or kept for use" in the State of Maharashtra was a tax for user, active or passive, of the motor vehicle in the territory of Maharashtra. Therefore, payment of tax, only enabled the vehicle being put to its intended use; in fact, represented a condition thereof, and would form part of its cost. - M. DINSHAW & CO. (P.) LTD. V. DY. CIT [2014] 48 190 (Mumbai - Trib.)

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