Friday, April 21, 2017

Grant of scholarship to deserving students to pursue higher studies was charitable in nature: HC


a) The assessee was a society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 and was running several educational institutions in the State of U.P.

b) Assessing Officer (AO) disallowed payment of scholarship to the incumbent on the ground that it was not for charitable purpose and it would be considered as income of assessee.

c) On appeal, CIT (Appeals) deleted additions made by AO which was affirmed by the Tribunal on further appeal. Revenue filed instant appeal before the High Court

High Court held in favour of assessee as under:-

1) Scholarship to the incumbent was granted for pursuing Engineering course from University of California, Los Angeles, USA. The candidate was selected after a thorough process of selection and finding him most deserving candidate, scholarship was granted to the said incumbent.

2) This was in the process of charitable object of assessee Society for advancement of higher technical education to deserving students. It could not be doubted that advancement of education was a 'charitable purpose'.

3) The candidate, beneficiary, was directly or indirectly not related to Members of Society nor otherwise had any bearing or connection with the Society Members. Financial status of the said student or other things were immaterial so far as purpose for which scholarship to said incumbent was concerned.

4) Therefore, CIT (Appeals) was justified that grant of scholarship to deserving students to pursue higher studies was charitable in nature. [2017] 80 96 (Allahabad) 

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